
Can you help us choose our furniture?

Our position as an independent company is important. It means that we can specify from a wide range of UK and international furniture suppliers and provide honest, unbiased advice. Selecting furniture can be a daunting experience, like purchasing a car, the market offers a bewildering range of different products to suit all budgets and tastes.

Our designers are extremely knowledgeable regarding the furniture industry and will help you choose the best options to suit your needs and your budget. We have invaluable experience managing the furniture tender process to ensure that you get best value for money.

Prior to installation we ensure that the furniture specified is accurately coordinated with the building services. For office environments, we ensure the installation of each desk is accurately positioned adjacent to the appropriate power and data locations, thereby avoiding un-necessary floorbox adjustments following installation.

Furniture specification is an integral part of any scheme and we look forward to guiding you through the market to achieve the look you want at the price you want to pay.

Our Process